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Coruba Original Barrel Aged Rum 1 Litre

Coruba Original is a full bodied rum with a robust flavour and hints of spices. It has a smooth, mellow finish accompanied with the aroma's and flavours of molasses, cocoa and caramel.

Courvoisier VS Cognac 700ml

Youthful and lively, Courvoisier VS is a fusion of younger and older cognacs that bring about a fruity, delicate taste and a bouquet filled with ripe fruit and spring flowers. The aroma is rich, fresh and oaky, balanced with the vigour of a young cognac. Extraordinarily versatile, Courvoisier VS is delicious with simple mixers and perfect for creating exquisite cocktails and punches.

Courvoisier VSOP Cognac 700ml

Courvoisier VSOP Cognac is a skillfully crafted blend of several crus with a perfect balance between the floral and fruity Fins Bois and harmonious Grande and Petite Champagnes, each at the peak of their aromatic potential. Courvoisier VSOP extends a delicate bouquet and excellent marriage of oak and exotic flavours. The aroma is subtle and with refined under-notes of peach, toasted almond and jasmine.

Crystal Head Vodka 700ml

Produced on the remote island of St. Johns, Canada. Quadruple distilled and triple filtered through Herkimer diamonds. No additives, oils or sugars added. Ultra smooth, with a fuller taste than most Vodka's. Enjoy it in its pure form or with premium mixers.

Dalwhinnie 15YO Single Malt 700ml

A great malt which Jim Murray awarded 95 points in his Whisky Bible, this is excellent value for money. The flavours are simple, but flawless, a clean, crisp 15 year old from the Dalwhinnie distillery, also part of Diageo's Classic Malts range.

Dancing Sands Dry Gin 700ml

Dancing Sands flagship gin - this is what Dancing Sands is all about. A carefully selected combination of local and traditional botanicals are vapour distilled in their copper pot still, preserving their delicate flavours. A contemporary dry gin, given a distinctive Golden Bay twist with verdant manuka leaves.

Dancing Sands Sauvignon Blanc Gin 700ml

A combination of two Kiwi icons: Sauvignon Blanc and Dancing Sands Dry Gin. State-of-the-art vacuum distillation means they are able to retain the complex flavours of the wine, while adding botanical sophistication from their Dry Gin. The end result is a full-bodied and fruity gin that brings you bursting passionfruit, gooseberry, lime, and green apple - all the tropical flavours you know and love from a New Zealand Sauv Blanc, but with added punch and pizazz.

Dancing Sands Sun Kissed Gin 700ml

Move over pink gin, Dancing Sands has bottled summer. Strawberries and rhubarb are infused with their Dry Gin as a nod to summer nostalgia. Because they are using real ingredients, the colour of the gin will fade and sediment will occur. Bottling nature doesn't stay pink for too long.

De Kuyper Blue Curaçao Liqueur 500ml

De Kuyper Blue Curacao Liqueur is made from the Lahara fruit, famous for its distinctive flavour. Vibrant blue in colour, flavours of oranges, lemon and curacao fruit are blended to compose this extremely versatile liqueur, making it the perfect addition to many cocktails.

De Valcourt VSOP Brandy 1 Litre

A blend of finest French brandies distilled, aged and bottled in France to the very highest standards. A long period of ageing in the best oak cask gives De Valcourt brandy its mellow smoothness and delightful bouquet.

Dead Man's Fingers Coconut Rum 700ml

If you love the tropical flavour of coconuts, then you'll love this variation of Dead Man's Fingers. Discover elements of juicy mango, raisins, runny caramel, coconut ice (of course) and a slight citrusy trace of lime peel.

Dead Man's Fingers Spiced Rum 700ml

Where a blended rum meets exotic spices to create a unique and distinctive flavour profile. Those familiar with Saffron cake will certainly find a hint of that alongside notes of Pedro Ximénez Ice cream.
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