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Brown Brothers Sparkling Moscato Rosé 4x200ml

Delightfully aromatic with musk and red berry character, finished with a delicate sparkle. Enjoy the convenience of a 200mL mini made perfect for picnics, brunches, or simply those times when you don't. The Sparkling Moscato Rosé is a classic aperitif wine to enjoy on its own. With food, it is great with a wedge of crisp pear wrapped in Prosciutto or a fresh fruit platter and light style cheeses like Brie or Camembert.

Brown Brothers Sparkling Moscato Rosé 750ml

This wine has a bright pink strawberry hue, giving it a light and delicate appearance. Due to a small addition of Cienna the wine has lifted red berry aromas along with freshly crushed grapes and a spicy perfume. The palate also shows these characters along with a fruitiness that is balanced by acidity and the refreshing full sparkling sensation. Serve well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Brown Brothers Zero Moscato 750ml

With lifted aromas of citrus, sherbet and freshly cut grapes, the Brown Brothers Moscato Zero offers an easy-drinking alternative for sober-curious wine drinkers, or those simply looking to moderate their alcohol intake without compromising on taste.

Brown Brothers Zero Prosecco 750ml

Refreshing and dry with a satisfying citrus tang, Brown Brothers Prosecco Zero celebrates the beautiful, nuanced flavours of traditional sparkling wines - without the alcohol. Featuring notes of crisp green apple and delicious pear, serve chilled alongside fresh seafood or salted popcorn.

Brown Brothers Zibibbo 750ml

This sparkling wine is a youthful pale yellow to green colour and has lifted aromas of musk, sherbet, fresh passion fruit and apple. Zibibbo is bursting with bubbles and summer fruit flavours with a racy, fresh vibrant finish. This sparkling will make any occasion a celebration.

Burmester Jockey Club Reserve Tawny Porto 750ml

The Burmester Port House dates back to the 18th Century.

Burmester Ruby Porto 750ml

A vigorous and elegant nose, where the liveliness of its aromas stand out. Its exceptionally fresh and fruity bouquet delivers a unique palate: robust, lively and persistent. Served plain, chilled or with ice, it is excellent as an aperitif or equally delicious at any time of the day. A versatile and fresh wine, great with both a vast array of desserts and with cheeses of medium strength. Enjoy it with a strawberry and yoghurt mousse, a red berry clafouti or a Camembert millefeuille with raspberries and rosemary.

Burmester Tawny Porto 750ml

A vivid golden-brown colour. The aromas of ripe fruit are abundant on the nose, with appealing notes of vanilla. On the palate it is delightfully fresh with a marked fruity character. Velvety, round and remarkably engaging. Served very chilled and with some dried fruit as an aperitif. Perfect with desserts that include caramel, coffee, apricot and dried fruit or pair it with caramelised walnuts, tiramisu, hazelnut meringue pie and mild cheeses (such as Brie).

Campo Viejo Gran Reserva Rioja 750ml

A reassuringly balanced Rioja wine which retains fruity character after being passionately crafted over the course of five years. Balanced with smoky and spicy notes from oak.

Campo Viejo Reserva Rioja DOCa 750ml

An elegant expression of premium Rioja vines made from Tempranillo, Graciano and Mazuelo. Aged for four years, Reserva perfectly balances a fruity palate with hints of clove, pepper, vanilla and coconut.

Camshorn Pinot Gris 750ml

Camshorn Pinot Gris has hints of apricot and honeysuckle on the nose, leading to a rich, textural palate. The wine is medium-bodied, with ripe nectarines-and-cream stonefruit balanced by citrus. Enjoy this wine solo or pair with simply roasted chicken or seared firm fish. A meal with warm spice hints will also match well, such as a stir fry with ginger or 5-spice. Crumbly and tangy cheeses will be fantastic, with some sliced pear and walnuts alongside.

Camshorn Pinot Noir 750ml

Camshorn Waipara Pinot Noir is a wine that certainly doesn't pull the wool over your eyes - an outstanding varietal and regional expression produced with exceptional quality.
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