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Madam Sass Central Otago Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

An enticing Pinot Rosé fill of attitude, style and extravagance, boasting vibrant berry and stonefruit flavours, savoury notes and a spicy finish. This one is juicy and fresh with charmingly balanced sweetness and crisp acidity. An approachable and elegant French style dry Rosé to enjoy on your own terms.

Main Divide Chardonnay 750ml

The nose is packed with an abundance of citrus and stone fruit, together with the tropical aromas of pineapple and guava. Interspersed also with floral notes reminiscent of honeysuckle and jasmine. The palate is concentrated and mouth-filling, yet balanced with refreshing acidity that complements its lingering dry finish. Vegan Friendly.

Main Divide Pinot Gris 750ml

It is deep lemon in colour, with an expansive bouquet filled with aromas of pear drops, feijoa, spice and floral notes. On the palate it is full-bodied and unctuous, with a tangy hint of ginger. The earlier picked fruit adds freshness and satisfying acidity, while the late picked portion and lees ageing have increased the mouth feel and complexity of this wine.

Main Divide Riesling 750ml

A portion of nobly botrytic fruit has produced a distinctive style of wine. It has a core of citrus fruit characters, particularly lemons and limes, but there is also an undercurrent of white fleshed peaches and nectarines. The botrytis has added hints of honeysuckle and also given the wine extra concentration and richness. A seam of natural acidity and minerality flows through the wine and gives it an off-dry finish length and zest.

Main Divide Rosé 750ml

Salmon pink in colour with fragrant aromas of strawberries and red currents. On the palate it is dry and finely textured, with fresh and vibrant minerality.

Main Divide Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The wine shows a complex interplay of tropical fruit characters with elements of passion-fruit, mango and paw paw, supported by impressions of ripe gooseberries and dried herbs. It is fruity and mouth filling but yet has a refreshing spine of crisp acidity which keeps it focussed and helps draw out its length.

Man O' War Estate Waiheke Island Chardonnay 750ml

Man O' War Chardonnay exhibits intense ripe stone fruit characters with subtle hints of toasty French oak and a lovely nutty lees influence.

Marisco The King's Bastard Chardonnay 750ml

Fruit notes of white fleshed stone fruits and ripe citrus zest lead to the rich, creamy mid-palate, with oak derived notes of grilled nuts and baking spice.

Marisco The King's Favour Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

A precise yet powerful wine with explosive flavours of lime, lemongrass and passionfruit.

Martinborough Vineyard Home Block Chardonnay 750ml

Established in 1980, Martinborough Vineyard is an icon in New Zealand winemaking history. The first to plant Pinot Noir grapes in the famed region, Martinborough Vineyard produces the finest wines in the New World with a focus on 'Handcrafted Excellence in Wine.' A Chardonnay lover's Chardonnay - the intense bouquet of stonefruit, citrus and underlying butterscotch opens up to a richly textured palate with a buttery brioche quality.

Martinborough Vineyard Home Block Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Established in 1980, Martinborough Vineyard is an icon in New Zealand winemaking history. The first to plant Pinot Noir grapes in the famed region, Martinborough Vineyard produces the finest wines in the New World with a focus on 'Handcrafted Excellence in Wine.' Martinborough Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc shows perfumed aromas of passionfruit and guava and lemon blossom, beautifully balanced against creamy notes from the barrel fermentation.

Matawhero Single Vineyard Chardonnay 750ml

Aromas of ripe melon and peach abound with butterscotch and fig notes. The palate is rich, with ripe fruits, showcasing peach flavours and an inherent creaminess, and a lingering bright finish.
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